Sunday, March 13, 2011

knitting graffiti at mizzou :)

this weekend i went to mizzou to visit my sister and look what i saw all over town!

in the top right corner there's another one if you can see it!
this is the tag that was on the graffiti below this!

I've heard and seen pictures of knitting graffiti but i've never actually seen it before!  its so cool!

is this giving anyone else ideas:)

farewell dear friend.

Friday, March 11, 2011

finished my project:)

so i've finally finished my ribbed cowl during our meeting last night!  I am so excited!

It was also my birthday yesterday and for the first half hour we had a fun party with help for my mom's awesome "birthday party in a box."  it was such a blast:)

my your days be prosperous.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


we did it!  we're an official Kansas State student organization! booya!!

I would like to thank the academy for all their support... ya right.

live true, dear friend.

Monday, March 7, 2011

hey oh!

soooo... nothing too big other than by wednesday,


I am so so so excited!

mint chocolate chip ice cream is not delicious, you've been warned youngen.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

knitting nite

we're having a meeting tonight!

it's going super well and we're listening to the best playlist ever: the knitting playlist!

 megan crocheting!
me with my cowl!

and soooomeeboody wouldn't let me take a picture of them (lindsay).  bethany's also knitting with us tonight!

yay knitting!

go in peace young friend.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

o just excited

since i dont have any other followers other than lindsay and her mom:), i will just go ahead and say how excited i am for tomorrows meeting.   i'm gonna show the group how i make my scarves from tshirts and how they can make yarn out of old tshirts.  I also really want to get my spring cowl done in time for the knitting scholarship!

 tomorrow we shall knit...

the best scholarship ever!

so renee sent us all in the club a email about a knitting scholarship!

I'm for sure trying for this scholarship... so we'll see!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

some works.

 this is our little sign in west fives lobby  so come on down!

 hey look at that... thats me just casually knitting, having no idea lindsay was taking a picture of me for this blog.   ... huh...

this is my current project.  a lacy, white spring cowl!  its been taking such a long time, i cant wait to get it done!

working progress...

we keep getting closer to our goal. to be a KSU official student organization!
Del is our faculty adviser and we couldn't be more excited!

Currently the fifth floor of west is loving the knitting, crocheting, and crafts.

now.. im going to say whatever i want.....

have a merry day dear sir.